Sunday, July 6, 2008

I'm Thankful
for My Church of 30 Years

I became a believer at this church and have been there ever since, never once veering away. Today is a special day in the life the of the church - it's our new pastor's first day.

I'm looking forward to attending service with my husband and children. We have been in service together in a long, long time. Not because we haven't been on the premises, but because we have been otherwise obligated. Our children's pastor gave us the day off today so we could all be there to support the new pastor.

Usually I'm in the children's service directing things in the audio-visual booth. I enjoy this job and enjoy spending time with the others who share the space with me. However, there are times when I long to be in service singing with the congregation, learning, being challenged and worshiping God. is a good day.

What are you thankful for?

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