Saturday, June 20, 2015

Plodding Along with Scraps

I had several bags like the one below in my sewing room closet.

 I inherited this fabric from a variety of sources and I want to use it. All of it. Someday. It came in all shapes and sizes. I couldn't leave it like that because it was in two huge black tash bags. Stored that way it would be totally unusable. 

The plan was to cut rectangles to go into my scrap user's system (which is patterned after Bonnie Hunter's scrap user's system). Little did I know that the job of "processing" all my scraps would take hours. Not a just a few hours. We're talking A LOT of hours. the job is done. A few hours a day over the course of several weeks and now I have usuable fabric. From the bag above I got stacks that looked like this - 

The other bags I had got cut into strips and squares. The wad of seemingly un-cut scraps will go into my crumbs bins. These peices are small enough to use, but not worth my time to cut down any further. These piles have been stored in the appropriate containers and await life in a future quilt.

This makes me much happier. I just have a few more tasks to tackle to get my sewing room in shape. Then I'll be ready to attack one of the 50 (sadly, this is not an exaggeration) projects on my to-do list. 

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