Sunday, July 5, 2015

Handy Hubby Has Been Busy

My sewing room has been a project for about 6 months. I have a new cutting table with storage underneath. A new sewing table with a side surface for ironing and shelves for storage. Pictures of those will be coming in the future.

In this room is a rather large window that has white blinds. When I say large, I mean 72" x 78" - gigantic! Inspired by this pin for a Shabby Chic Rag Valance (from Pinterest - see picture below), I tried to do the fabric strips tied to a curtain rod treatment.

 Check here for a tutorial

I don't have a picture to post, but trust me - It was a Pinterest fail. The proportions were off a lot. It just wasn't working for me.

So, it was back to the drawing board. I considered buying or making a valance. After traversing the local mall, as well as various big box stores, I determined that valances have gone out of style. I wasn't able to find a suitable option to purchase, nor was I happy with fabric choices (or very motivated) to make a valance.

I was lamenting to my husband about these unfortunate events when he suggested that he could make a window box. Awesome! We had a window box at another house and it was wonderful. So, this is what he did for me. 

Not only did he make the window box, which is pretty cool all by itself. He also painted some quilt blocks like the kind you see on the sides of barns and nailed them to the window box. Because the canvases came in a six pack there was one left that he decided would be great to put in my door.

I'm thankful for my handy husband. 

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