The world is full of things that I don't know about. Okay, maybe I know about some of those things, but I don't get how they work. That was the case with Facebook. I've had a Facebook account for over a year now. I got it as part part of a research project for work. It was interesting, but I really didn't see the appeal and found it to be less than exciting.
That all changed with a chance encounter with an old acquaintance. I don't even know Kathy that well, but we run in the same circles. She was telling me about the wonderful experience she had with Facebook and raving about how much fun it was to find friends. Her enthusiasm was contagious and I just had to go check it out again.

That was three days ago. I can hardly rip myself away from the computer. I'm having so much fun making friends. I've found some old school chums, some people from my early married days and a whole bunch of people from that circle of friends mentioned above.
Facebook is the MySpace of my generation. There's not a lot of tricking out of Facebook pages. These people work for a living. But there are lots of pictures of kids and grand kids. It's so much fun to catch up or just be reminded of things I knew but had been tucked back in the recesses of my brain.
Now if I can just rip myself away long enough to have a life I'll have something to write about on Facebook.
I'm thankful for Facebook and friends. What r u thankful 4?
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