Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Write a Word

This morning I was sewing on a baby quilt and listening to a podcast. It's the Dream Big podcast by Bob Goff. He's an awesome guy with a great message - a message of encouragement and freedom. It's obvious that Bob loves God and loves people. He doesn't feel the need to couch everything in bible verses. His love is contagious, because God's love is contagious. Bob inspires me. His courageous love motivates me to be willing to try new ways to love others, ways that may be outside my comfort zone.

His guest on this particular show is a gal named Bianca Olthoff. I've never before heard of her, but she is like Bob in her genuine enthusiasm for life. She is talking about how much good writing is coming out of prisons, jails and detention centers and the impact it is having. It inspired me, on this day after renewing my domain name Thankful Kim, to get to the laptop. In their conversation, they encouraged the listener to write just a sentence or even a word. So here I am.

I am Thankful Kim. There is so much to be thankful for ... all the time. It is so easy to get into a funk and focus on the stuff that I think are problems. My daughter would call them first world problems and she'd be right. My problems would be blessings to a lot of other people in the world. I love the saying, "Obstacles are opportunities". This puts the little irritations of life into perspective.

I've adopted a practice of writing a few things I'm grateful for every morning in my make-shift journal. It's funny how mundane I get sometimes. I look back at the previous day and pick a few things that went well or blessed me in some way. Today I wrote... I paid the bills. Yep, that's a highlight. I had money in the bank and the budget isn't too far out of whack, so it's a good thing. This daily practice has really helps me start my day on the right note and keeps me on the lookout for a positive spin on even the worst days. It may take a little energy and creative looking at things, but there is always something to for which I can be thankful.

So, that's my word, or words. Okay, it's a lot of words. I've been told I have a lot of words. I'm embracing it. You're welcome.