Monday, November 4, 2013

Prescription for a Cold Remedy

I was feeling kind of punky yesterday. I could tell there was a cold brewing in my body. Too much Halloween candy had ravaged my immune system and left me vulnerable. I knew that if I didn't take action quickly I was going to be in for some sniffles, at best, and a full blown sinus infection at worse. So I got plenty of rest, took some vitamin C and Echinacea and soothed my weary soul with a Starbucks chai latte. Today is a new day and I'm feeling much, much better. I do believe I've fended it off that evil cold. Ha, ha, ha.

P.S. ... I'm sure that a little prayer from some friends helped also.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Cool Phone Apps

I'm thankful for phone that has really cool apps like a Blogger app. It still truly amazes me that phone can do so many things (but apparently capitalizing at the beginning of a sentence isn't one of them). Anyway... to think that I can say words they can turn into her paper pretty darn amazing. it's kind of funny how I take for granted all these little improvements in my life. I hope that in the coming days I can utilize this newfound tool to get my blog back on track.