As I embrace the new year I am excited with all the potential it holds. There are so many quilts to be made, so many laughs to share, and so many opportunities for change. What will make this year different? Hopefully a priority shift. Yes, a clean house is nice, but so is a soul that's been nurtured. Which one of those things will get most of my time? We'll see. Change doesn't come easily. But with awareness of the need comes the beginning of change.
As I look back on 2008 I am thankful for the times I shared with friends. It became important to me to take control of my relationship destiny. Instead of waiting for time to open up to spend with friends I scheduled it. It wasn't much, but it was enough to stay connected. I'm hopeful that 2009 will have more friend time.
I'm also thankful for the changes that have taken place at my church. It seems that we have turned a corner and are headed down a path that is more in line with the way I'm bent theologically. I've been highly involved in a particular ministry and have learned a lot from that involvement. As I face the new year, I'm hopeful that I will be able to spend a little less time in that endeavor and a little more time in the worship service. Again, it's up to me to make sure that happens. The situation won't change without prayer, effort and ingenuity.
I have grown to appreciate my kids in new ways. They are changing into adults and are coming to their own conclusions about a variety of things. As we have conversations I find that I'm listening more and talking less. I'm getting to know them more intimately and allowing them the freedom to make their own choices. Sometimes (heck - most of the time!) it's difficult to not intervene, but mistakes and missteps are great teachers. And besides that, I'm really not an authority on e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. And they are quick to remind me of that.
I have come to the conclusion that I need to not hold so tightly to some things. I need to not care so much. My caring is sometimes out of proportion to that of others involved or that task at hand. I find that I often get more deeply involved than necessary in hopes of making a difference, but perhaps that's not my role in every endeavor. Perhaps it's not my place to make a difference, but to get the job done and check out. What a concept! The idea of putting more energy into my passions and less into the tasks of life is really new to me. This will be where I plan to make changes - not hope, but plan.
As I watch 2008 growing small in the distance I greet 2009 with the knowledge that time flies and I want to make the best of that time.
What r u thankful 4?