I was feeling a little sorry for myself and in a little bit of a pity party funk. I could see what was going on and I knew I needed to shake myself out of it.
Changing my focus didn't come as easily as I'd liked. I tries quiet meditation - it turned to stewing. I tried active busywork - it was a distraction for a short time. The underlying issue just kept rearing it's ugly head. As I went about the day and began focusing on all that I have to be grateful for the funk eventually worked itself out. I was on my way to a renewed attitude.
It was with this experience that I took in The Pursuit of Happyness.

I wasn't sure what to expect. I'd heard that it was a movie about a homeless guy who became a stock broker. I must say it was a little tough to watch at times. Will Smith's character Chris is working his butt off and trying to be the man he needs to be to support his family. Already I liked him.
But life's not working for him. The money isn't coming in. He's making poor choices. He's conflicted. Then an opportunity for change presents itself. The cost is high. His wife leaves him, he loses his home, and he must struggle to come up with money for the most basic necessities of life while he trains for his possible new job and cares for his young son. His love for his son and his desire to provide him with the father he never had pushes him along on this journey. There is a scene where he is cradling his sleeping son in a subway bathroom while holding the door shut with his foot as someone bangs on it. Tears stream down his face. He would do anything for his son.
Well... my petty problems just slammed into perspective. I have so much to be thankful for -
- our home complete with furniture, food, clothes and heating in a good neighborhood
- my immediate family, who is in good health and gets along
- my extended family, who is near and far (but basically healthy and in good shape)
- my job, which is a nice fit for my life right now with great people financial freedom, no debt and a contingency fund that can help us through just about any rough patch
- friends who love me and care about me
- access to good medical care and healing medications
- frivolous stuff like TV, quilting, good books, restaurants, reliable cars, etc.
Sometimes a good movie can really put things in perspective.
What r u thankful 4?