Every year about this time our family takes a trip to Oak Glen. This is the apple mecca of our local area. Small farms sell their tasty harvest at slightly inflated prices. Last year's trip wasn't so pleasant due to an overwhelming large number of apple-loving folk so the husband and son swore they wouldn't be attending this year. That's okay. We adopted one of my daughter's friends for the day and headed off without the guys.
Sometimes we pick our own apples. This year we picked our own raspberries...and bought the apples already bagged up. We picked up some cider and gifts and, of course, an apple pie. But unfortunately that was for someone else.
Upon the recommendation of our adopted child we purchased a slice of apple pie ala mode with cinnamon sauce at Law's Oak Glen Coffee Shop to enjoy before heading home. And enjoy we did. It was one of the best pieces of apple pie I've ever had. Yum! So, as in years past, we concluded our annual tradition of going to Oak Glen.
What's the value in traditions? They are an anchor in a family's history. Something to look forward to. Something to remember. The single events blend together to become a fond remembrance of time together enjoying each other's company and just plain having a good time. They don't have to be exactly the same way every time. Things change. People change. It's the essence of the tradition that counts. This one is about apples and Oak Glen. All the other details are irrelevant. Once again that tradition has been celebrated...until next year.